Wednesday 16 August 2006

Dinner Party Etiquette (reblogged from Bebo)

So, you've invited people over to dinner. 
You've made sure that everyone there gets on well with everyone else. You're checking what people will and will not eat, and also what their kids are allowed to eat. A list of other people's allergies is pinned to your fridge door.

Then you've thought about where to put little kiddies if they need to take a nap before Mummy and Daddy are ready to go home. Crucial decisions about who gets which of the mismatched wineglasses have been made. The unobtrusive but enjoyable background music has been chosen (Ella Fitzgerald, of course). Three desserts have made the shortlist, you'll have two ready on the day just to make sure no one is left out. Shopping lists are made, there's room in the fridge, absolutely everything is going according to plan. 

Finally, you start to plan the table dressing. Should I use a cloth or not? Candles in the middle of the table or just wine? Who should sit where?

Oh. Oh wait. 
Ummm..... I've just remembered - we don't actually *have* a dinner table and chairs just yet. It's not likely that we'll have them by Saturday.

Does anyone know the exact etiquette of inviting people over to dinner and then inviting them to sit cross-legged on the floor and announcing that it's a "theme" you've had in mind for the evening?

Answers on a postcard, please.