Thursday 27 July 2017

Time for sleep

He lies beside me, fighting the sleep he so longed for an hour ago.

Restless hands half-forming words and letters, he brings the shapes closer to his eyes.

Babbling, learning, always working.

His brother is asleep already, and I have important things to do.

I could be using this time for a dozen other things.

I quell the annoyance that attempts to rise, pull him closer into a cuddle.

His hair is silk upon my cheek, his breath is warm and sweet in that sanctuary between my neck and shoulder.

He's humming now, softly. Though he can no longer hear it, he finds the action soothing. He's almost in the land of nod.

The sweet sound wakes his brother, whose indignant cries go unheard by their provoker.

Gently, I move my arms from one embrace to another.

The comfort in my arms returns sleep to the smallest. Both are peaceful now, slow breaths rising and eyelashes resting on cherubic faces.

Yes, I have important things to do. Right here.