Wednesday 11 January 2012

To bed, perchance to sleep!

Some people may wonder why I'm tired these days. Why I don't spend my evenings in cool coffee places with friends, or even sitting on the couch chatting on the phone.

Mostly, these are people who don't have a daughter who has just turned two.

To be honest, I've been a bit baffled myself. She's tired, I put her to bed. Simple, right? So why am I still in her room an hour later?

Well it turns out that 2 year olds are very busy people. My Little Lady even has a checklist that she *must* complete before sleeping. It's quite complex actually. Really, I should be the one feeling sorry for her.

I happen to have gotten my hands on a copy of her checklist and I decided to share it here.

1) Give Daddy and big brother a Night Night Giss
2) Go to bedroom
3) Run back down hall to give Daddy another Night Night Giss
4) Close bedroom door BY MYSELF
5) Sing ABC song. Twice
6) Round of applause for a song well sung
7) Ask Mammy if Daddy is assileeeeep?
8) Ask Mammy if Ebbybody is assileeeeep?
9) Give Mammy a Giss
10) Tell Mammy that Baby Fuffie (Sophie) was crying in school today, because she was sad
11) Tell Mammy that Baby Fuffie is NOT crying emmymore. She is all better
12) Take dodie OFF blankie NOW
13) Sing Mr Golden Sun
14) Sing Bob the Builder
15) Tell Mammy to SHUSH, because Ebbybody is assileeeeep!
16) Ask Mammy to put blanket on my back
17) No, my OTHER back!
18) Put dodie ON blankie NOW
19) Sing Jedward song
20) Tell Mammy I'm singing Jedward song
21) Tell Mammy that Daddy is lawffee (lovely)
22) Tell Mammy that Daddy is assileeeeep
23) Give Mammy another Giss
24) Go to sileeeeep

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